Here we include the proofs for KCore splitting into 34 layers, for our verified KVM implementation, SeKVM.
These following definitions comprise the base layer of SeKVM’s refinement proofs. Note that AbsMachineState defines the machine state, and is used throughout the layer refinement proofs.
Machine state definition: AbsMachineState
Lock-related helpers: AbsMachineLocks
Layer definition: AbsMachine
Specification: AbsMachineSpec
These invariants are proven over only the top-level specification, TrapHandlerSpec. They are used in the top-level security proofs.
Invariant definitions: Invariant
Invariant proofs: InvariantProof
Security property definition: SecurityDef
Noninterference tactics: NoninterferenceAux
Noninterference lemmas
Big-Step Noninterference Theorem
We demonstrate booting an Ubuntu 16.04 VM on our verified KVM implementation, SeKVM, running on an AMD Seattle Arm server. The server hardware has 8 CPUs and 16GB RAM. The demo VM is configured with 4 virtual CPUs, 12 GB RAM, and standard virtio network/block devices. We show the VM supports full Ubuntu Linux functionality, including disk encryption and networking. We first boot the VM from a LUKS-encrypted virtual disk, and login to its shell. We then run a script to download the Linux kernel source from, over a virtual network interface backed by virtio.