
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Errors.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Op.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import ZSet.
Require Import ListLemma2.
Require Import CommonTactic.
Require Import AuxLemma.
Require Import AuxStateDataType.
Require Import RealParams.
Require Import RefinementTactic.
Require Import PrimSemantics.
Require Import LayerCalculusLemma.
Require Import TacticsForTesting.
Require Import liblayers.logic.PTreeModules.
Require Import liblayers.logic.LayerLogicImpl.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.Stencil.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.MakeProgram.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.

Require Import RData.
Require Import CalLock.
Require Import Constants.
Require Import HypsecCommLib.
Require Import AbstractMachine.Layer.
Require Import AbstractMachine.Spec.
Require Import LockOps.Spec.
Require Import LockOps.Layer.

Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Local Opaque Z.add Z.mul Z.div Z.shiftl Z.shiftr Z.land Z.lor.

Section LockOpsProofHigh.

  Local Open Scope string_scope.
  Local Open Scope Z_scope.

  Context `{real_params: RealParams}.

  Notation HDATA := RData.
  Notation LDATA := RData.

  Notation HDATAOps := (cdata (cdata_ops := LockOps_ops) HDATA).
  Notation LDATAOps := (cdata (cdata_ops := AbstractMachine_ops) HDATA).

  Section WITHMEM.

    Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
    Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModelX}.
    Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

    Record relate_RData (f:meminj) (hadt: HDATA) (ladt: LDATA) :=
      mkrelate_RData {
          id_rel: hadt = ladt

    Inductive match_RData: stencil -> HDATA -> mem -> meminj -> Prop :=
    | MATCH_RDATA: forall habd m f s, match_RData s habd m f.

    Local Hint Resolve MATCH_RDATA.

    Global Instance rel_ops: CompatRelOps HDATAOps LDATAOps :=
        relate_AbData s f d1 d2 := relate_RData f d1 d2;
        match_AbData s d1 m f := match_RData s d1 m f;
        new_glbl := nil

    Global Instance rel_prf: CompatRel HDATAOps LDATAOps.
      constructor; intros; simpl; trivial.
      constructor; inv H; trivial.

    Section FreshPrim.

      Lemma wait_lock_kern_mode:
        forall lk d d', wait_lock_spec_wraparound lk d = Some d' ->
                        kernel_mode d.
        unfold wait_lock_spec_wraparound. simpl; intros.
        subdestruct; auto.

      Lemma CalTicketLockExist:
        forall l l' t n,
          CalTicketLock l = Some (t, n, l') ->
          CalTicketLockWraparound l =
            Some (Int.unsigned (Int.repr t), Int.unsigned (Int.repr n), l').
        Local Transparent CalTicketLock CalTicketLockWraparound.
        induction l.
        - simpl.
          inversion 1.
        - simpl.
          intros until n; intro HCalTicketLock.
            (zeq: forall z,
                    Int.unsigned (Int.repr (Int.unsigned (Int.repr z) + 1)) =
                    Int.unsigned (Int.repr (z + 1))).
            repeat rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_eq.
            unfold Int.modulus, two_power_nat, shift_nat.
            Require Import XOmega.
            repeat match goal with | [H: _ |- _] => clear H end.
          subdestruct; inv HCalTicketLock;
          erewrite IHl; eauto;
          rewrite Int.repr_unsigned;
          try rewrite Int.repr_unsigned;
          try rewrite zeq;
          try reflexivity.

      Lemma CalTicketLock_range:
        forall q l t t0 n n0 l' l0
               (Hcal: CalTicketLock l = Some (t, n, l'))
               (Hcal0: CalTicketLock (q ++ l) = Some (t0, n0, l0)),
          t <= t0 /\ n <= n0.
        induction q; simpl; intros.
        - rewrite Hcal in Hcal0. inv Hcal0.
          split; reflexivity.
        - subdestruct; contra_inv; inv Hcal0; eauto.
          + exploit (IHq l); eauto.
            intros (? & ?). split; omega.
          + exploit (IHq l); eauto.
            intros (? & ?). split; omega.
          + exploit (IHq l); eauto.
            intros (? & ?). split; omega.

      Lemma CalTicketWait_range:
        forall n i t l l' to t0 n0 l0
               (Hwait: CalTicketWait n i t l to = Some l')
               (Hcal: CalTicketLock l = Some (t0, n0, l0)),
          n0 <= t.
        Local Transparent CalTicketWait.
        Opaque CalTicketLock.
        induction n; simpl; intros; try congruence.
        subdestruct; subst.
        - rewrite app_comm_cons in Hdestruct.
          eapply CalTicketLock_range; eauto.
        - eapply IHn in Hwait; try eapply Hdestruct.
          rewrite app_comm_cons in Hdestruct.
          exploit CalTicketLock_range; eauto.
          intros (_ & ?). omega.

      Lemma CalTicketWaitExist:
        forall n l l' i t to t0 n0 l0,
          CalTicketLock l = Some (t0, n0, l0) ->
          t < n0 + TOTAL_CPU ->
          CalTicketWait n i t l to = Some l' ->
          CalTicketWaitWraparound n i (Int.unsigned (Int.repr t)) l to = Some l'.
        Local Transparent CalTicketWait CalTicketWaitWraparound.
        Opaque CalTicketLock CalTicketLockWraparound.
        induction n; [auto|].
        simpl in *.
        subdestruct; inv H.
        - eapply CalTicketLockExist in Hdestruct; eauto.
          rewrite Hdestruct.
          rewrite zeq_true. eauto.
        - pose proof Hdestruct as Ht.
          eapply CalTicketLockExist in Hdestruct; eauto.
          rewrite Hdestruct.
          assert (Ht_range: z0 < t < z0 + TOTAL_CPU).
            pose proof H1 as Hwait.
            eapply CalTicketWait_range in Hwait; eauto.
            split; [omega|].
            rewrite app_comm_cons in Ht.
            eapply CalTicketLock_range in H3; eauto.
            destruct H3 as (_ & ?). omega.
          rewrite zeq_false. 
          eapply IHn; eauto.
          + omega.
          + revert Ht_range. clear; intros.
            repeat rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_eq.
            unfold Int.modulus, two_power_nat, shift_nat.
            assert (4294967296 > 0) by omega.
            repeat rewrite Zmod_eq; trivial.
            assert (Ht: exists a, t = z0 + a /\ 0 < a < 8).
              unfold TOTAL_CPU in *.
              exists (t - z0).
              split; omega.
            destruct Ht as (a & Ht & Ha). subst. clear Ht_range.
            assert (Hz0: exists c d, z0 = c * 4294967296 + d /\
                                     0 <= d < 4294967296).
              pose proof (Z_div_mod_eq z0 _ H) as Hz0.
              replace (4294967296 * (z0 / 4294967296))
                with ((z0 / 4294967296) * 4294967296)
                in Hz0
                by omega.
              exists (z0 / 4294967296), (z0 mod 4294967296).
              split; trivial.
              eapply Z_mod_lt; eauto.
            destruct Hz0 as (c & d & Hz0 & Hd).
            rewrite Hz0.
            replace (c * 4294967296 + d + a) with (c * 4294967296 + (d + a)) by omega.
            assert (4294967296 <> 0) by omega.
            repeat rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l; trivial.
            repeat rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_r.
            repeat rewrite Zminus_plus_simpl_l.
            assert (Hdv: d / 4294967296 = 0) by xomega.
            rewrite Hdv. simpl.
            replace (d - 0) with d by omega.
            assert (Hr: 0 <= (d + a) < 4294967296 \/  4294967296 <= (d + a) < 4294967296 + TOTAL_CPU).
              destruct (zlt (d + a) 4294967296).
              - left. omega.
              - right. unfold TOTAL_CPU. omega.
            destruct Hr.
              assert (Hdv': (d + a) / 4294967296 = 0) by xomega.
              rewrite Hdv'. simpl. omega.
              assert (Hdv': (d + a) / 4294967296 = 1) by xomega.
              rewrite Hdv'. simpl. omega.

      Lemma wait_lock_spec_exists:
      forall habd habd' labd lk f
             (Hspec: wait_lock_spec lk habd = Some habd')
             (Hrel: relate_RData f habd labd),
        exists labd', wait_lock_spec_wraparound lk labd = Some labd' /\ relate_RData f habd' labd'.
        Opaque CalTicketLock CalTicketLockWraparound CalTicketWait CalTicketWaitWraparound.
        unfold wait_lock_spec, wait_lock_spec_wraparound, TOTAL_CPU.
        inversion Hrel as [hleq]; rewrite hleq in *; clear hleq.
        match goal with
        | [H: CalTicketWait _ _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _] =>
          eapply CalTicketWaitExist in H; eauto
        - match goal with
          | [H: CalTicketLock _ = Some (_, _, _) |- _] =>
            eapply CalTicketLockExist in H; eauto
          assert (z1eq: (Int.unsigned (Int.repr (Int.unsigned (Int.repr z) - 1))) =
                        (Int.unsigned (Int.repr (z - 1)))).
            rewrite Int.unsigned_repr_eq,
            Require Import XOmega.
            unfold Int.modulus, two_power_nat, shift_nat; simpl.
            clear; xomega.
          + reflexivity.
          + inversion Hspec; subst. constructor. reflexivity.
        - unfold TOTAL_CPU; omega.

      Lemma wait_lock_spec_ref:
        compatsim (crel RData RData) (gensem wait_lock_spec) wait_lock_spec_low.
        Opaque wait_lock_spec.
        compatsim_simpl (@match_RData).
        exploit wait_lock_spec_exists; eauto 1;
        intros (labd' & Hspec & Hrel).
        refine_split; repeat (try econstructor; eauto).

      Lemma pass_lock_spec_exists:
        forall habd habd' labd lk f
               (Hspec: pass_lock_spec lk habd = Some habd')
               (Hrel: relate_RData f habd labd),
          exists labd', pass_lock_spec lk labd = Some labd' /\
                        relate_RData f habd' labd'.
      Proof. unfold pass_lock_spec; intros until f; exist_simpl. Qed.

      Lemma pass_lock_spec_ref:
        compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem pass_lock_spec) pass_lock_spec_low.
        Opaque pass_lock_spec.
        compatsim_simpl (@match_RData).
        exploit pass_lock_spec_exists; eauto 1;
        intros (labd' & Hspec & Hrel).
        refine_split; repeat (try econstructor; eauto).

    End FreshPrim.

    Section PassthroughPrim.

      Global Instance: (LoadStoreProp (hflatmem_store:= flatmem_store') (lflatmem_store:= flatmem_store')).
        - eapply flatmem_store'_exists; eauto.

      Lemma passthrough_correct:
        sim (crel HDATA LDATA) LockOps_passthrough AbstractMachine.
        sim_oplus; layer_sim_simpl; compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData);
        match_external_states_simpl; destruct match_related; srewrite;

    End PassthroughPrim.


End LockOpsProofHigh.